What a great evening with Plattenklatsch at the Kulturhaus Osterfeld in Pforzheim 💜 I brought 6 of my currently favorite vinyls. Some of...

Awesome Hip Hop Humans
Awesome Hip Hop Humans ~ Queer*Fem*Rap im deutschsprachigen Raum by Gazal & Sookee 2 awesome human beings who I adore and respect so...

Sunday Vibes
💜 SUNDAY VIBES VIDEO 💜 IS OUT NOW! I hope you enjoy the video and I hope it makes you smile 😁👈🏼 it perfectly captures a typical...

W O R T E - feat Tabea Booz
Thank you so much for featuring me on your beautiful song, Tabea Booz 💜 'Worte' has not only touched my soul, it's also my first feature...

No Fake Shit!
New Music Video is ooouuut!!!! Writing, recording, producing and finally filming a video for this song has been a long but lovely journey...

Falk Schacht from Backspin allowed me to share my thoughts about 'The Score' - Album from the Fugees!! How exciting *-* their album is...

PZ News
Thank you for writing an article about me and my album Floetic!! Being in the local newspaper of my hometown Pforzheim feels like a...

My first album is finally released!! It has been such a long journey to get here. So many obstacles me and my team had to overcome. So...

365 Female MCs
Thank you Mona Lina, for portraying me on your amazing blog '365 Female MCs'!! Here is the link to the article:...

Solidarität muss praktisch werden! 💯 Daher unterstütze ich die Seebrücke Kampagne #LeaveNoOneBehind und spende einen Rap-Workshop ❤️...